Create Code Coverage Report


Code coverage is an important measurement of testing case quality, this document will guide you how to create coverage report for your apk package testing.

Steps to Create report

1. Jenkins Build Job Setup

In this phase, we need to get instrumented APK and class coverage metadata files.

  1. Compile the APK with ant.
  • Build using Execute ant build-script jenkins plugin, There is an input field in this plugin Additional ant parameters, if it not shown, click the button Advanced... to show it, then input the text -Demma-coverage-on=true into it.

  • Build using Execute shell jenkins plugin, it should execute ant command like this:

    ant ... -Demma-coverage-on=true ...
  1. Archive the APK and coverage metadata files.

    Add the Archive the artifacts post-build action, in the Files to archive field, input something like this:

    reports/coverage/coverage.em, ant-output/Foobar/bin/Foobar.apk

2. Run test cases to get runtime coverage data

In this phase, we will get runtime coverage data by running the test cases.

  1. Download APK from Jenkins job and install it to handset:

    path = workspace.download_jenkins(..., artifacts=['Foobar.apk'], ...)
  2. Install the APK and run the tests with coverage turned on, this produces the file in the handset file system:

    handset.reinstall(os.path.join(path, 'Foobar.apk'))
    handset.run_junit(..., test_options={'coverage':'true'}, ...)

3. Make coverage report

In this phase, we already have coverage metadata and runtime data, we can make the report file in HTML format.

  1. Download the coverage metadata from Jenkins job:

    em_path = workspace.download_jenkins(..., artifacts=['coverage.em'], ...)
  2. Pull the coverage runtime data from handset. The path to is predictable. It will be based on the APK’s package name. E.g:

    handset.pull('/data/data/com.sonymobile.foobar/files/', ec_path)
  3. To produce a report that also contains line by line analysis (not just overall coverage stats), the source code to build APK is needed. If you do not need the line by line analysis, you can skip this step (set src_tree=None):

    src_tree = workspace.download_git(...)
  4. Make the report:

    report = workspace.make_coverage_report(em_path, ec_path, src_tree)
  5. Push the report to flocker for later analysis:

    workspace.flocker_push_file(report, coverage.tar)

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